What is Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA)?
It is a genetic test performed prior to Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) in highly-selected patients where Personalised Embryo Transfer is required. This test aims to identify the best time for your embryo transfer, based on genetic testing to identify the window of implantation.
What are the indications Of ERA?

In What Ways Can ERA Help Me?
Your uterus is usually most receptive to an embryo around days 19-21 of your menstrual cycle, which is when embryo transfer is typically carried out.
But in some women, this window of implantation may in fact be earlier (pre-receptive) or later (post-receptive), and it is thought that this may lead to failure of IVF.
This molecular diagnostic tool uses NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) to analyse the expression level of 248 genes related to the status of endometrial receptivity. It allows us to assess whether or not the uterus is receptive at the usual time. Based on the results of the test, we can alter the time of embryo transfer, in the hope of increasing the chance of an embryo implanting successfully.
What is the procedure Of ERA?

What is the turnaround time for the test?
This is approximately 15 days.
What are the risks?
< 5% of cases there is risk of “Non-informative” result. In those cases, a new endometrial biopsy could be required.
Risk of Non-informative result