Tag: Infertility

How does smoking affect Men’s Fertility?

The Impact of smoking on the general health and well-being of an individual and its association with various life-threatening cancers are known to all. Many of us are not aware of smoking can affect our fertility. As per the latest data, almost 27 cr. Indians consume tobacco which is out of every 5 Indians.

Septate Uterus – Diagnosis & Treatment

Septate Uterus is a birth defect (Mullerian Duct anomaly).
Normally uterine cavity is triangular in shape. But in cases of the septate uterus, a fibromuscular partition with poor vascularity runs down the middle of the uterus (i.e. the womb) and divides it into two small separate parts.

IUI vs IVF:- Which treatment should you choose?

Infertility is a disease of the reproductive system and is defined by the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after more than or equal to 12 months of regular unprotected intercourse. According to a health survey, 48.5 million couples are suffering from infertility worldwide. Among women 20-44 years, 1.9% had primary infertility and 10.5% had secondary infertility.

Infertility and IUI Treatment at IHR – Guwahati, Best Infertility Centre in Guwahati

Our Director Dr. Deepak Goenka is talking about the basics of IUI.  IUI is a painless process in which healthy sperms are injected into the cavity of the uterus around the time of ovulation (i.e. rupture of follicle and release of the egg from the follicle).