Social Impact of Infertility

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Mrs. Ritu Gupta
Psychological Counsellor

The majority of us call ourselves educated and open-minded yet we have our own limitations when it comes to certain issues. We are still living in an era where few issues related to infertility, are still not taken very easily.

Yes, here we are talking about INFERTILITY and its impact on the social and emotional well-being of a couple.

What is Infertility?

After one year of regular sex if a couple is not able to attain pregnancy then we call them infertile. Infertility has many potential causes which may involve the man, woman, or both. In the olden days, females were ill-treated by their family members if they were not able to produce children.

At that time the society was not aware that infertility could come from either of the partners. Sadly, even though the present scenario has changed a little but the social impact is still huge. The pressure created by them has caused a lot of emotional instability amongst couples. They do have societal pressure.

Factors affecting Infertility

Infertility issues

Many couples are not able to conceive due to psychological issues. Self-created is one of the major causes of infertility today. Many women consider their lives hopeless if they cannot conceive. They are looked down upon by their family members. A blame game is on the play where more often than not women are found to be the victims. Childless women face discrimination. They are called names and listed as a bad omen. Sadly, it is still very relevant in our society. Women who are going through this majorly lack support both financially and emotionally.

Types of insecurities

When the couple is not sure whether they will be able to conceive naturally then doubts are created. Mostly, women have all the insecurities.

Despite the fact that both the partners contribute equally to being infertile yet the fingers are always raised on the female partner. Due to the presence of a patriarchal mindset a system is created where the victim is always the wife. The mother-in-law is always in a state of denial thinking that her son is fine, the problem is with the daughter-in-law. Even in the 21st-century men out of sheer ignorance and their big ego turn down their marriage and bring a new wife if they come to know that the previous partner will not be able to bear a child. Their male ego is so big that they never want to get themselves tested for the same. In such a scenario the female always feels so helpless and goes through a lot of pressure.

Major marital disharmony occurs due to the ignorance of the male side. The so-called educated society also adds pressure on the female partner. To find a place of respect and recognition in the family it becomes important for the female partner to have a child. Guilt, frustration, insecurities, and worthlessness in life are few feelings that start hovering in the mind of an infertile female.

Men are never comfortable with the treatment and about infertility. Whenever a situation comes where they have to accompany the wife to the clinic they back out. They can never accept that the problem could be in them. We have seen many female partners who are very helpless as they don’t get the support of their partners.

In a rare case, a woman gave birth to a baby in her 70’s. In such times we also have to think about the future of the child. Will he grow up to see his parents around him?

 These are all the pressures that a woman takes to prove herself to her people and the family. When we have patients coming for treatment their main concern is always,“ what will I tell the world if I am not able to take a baby home.”

Pressure of the treatment

The situation is further worsened when either of the partners is not ready to take the treatment. Sometimes women do not get that support from their husbands to seek these modern treatments. The pressure of entering the institute and being seen by known faces brings in a lot of stress.

No matter how much we have changed yet infertility treatments are still a topic met with a lot of taboo. The unsurety, expenses, and social stigma add a lot to the psychological aspect of a couple especially the female partner.


The support and strength that the couple should create between them. To let each other feel that it’s fine. 1 out of 10 couples is struggling with infertility. It’s okay you are not the only one. Accept the fact that there is a problem and realize that there is also a solution.

Reach out for help. Clear your doubts. Be strong and you will succeed.


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