Hysterosalpingogram (HSG Test) Procedure: What to expect?

Hysterosalpingogram Test (HSG Test) Procedure: What to expect?

Dr. Tanya Das
Fellow Infertility Specialist
Institute of Human Reproduction

What is an HSG Test?

Hysterosalpingography (HSG) is an important female fertility test. HSG test is an X-ray procedure that is used to view the inside of the uterus and the fallopian tubes. HSG was first performed by Rind Fleisch in 1910 and was considered to be the first special radiology procedure of that time.

Image: Normal HSG

Why is HSG Test Done? What are the benefits of an HSG Test?

An HSG gives information regarding the structural anatomy of the uterus and fallopian tubes. HSG helps in the diagnosis of uterine anomalies such as congenital malformations, uterine synechiae, endometrial polyps, submucosal myomas, etc. It also helps in assessing the patency of fallopian tubes (tubal blockage) and also gives us an idea of various tubal pathologies.

HSG Test showing hydrosalpinx
Image: HSG showing hydrosalpinx
HSG Test showing endometrial polyp
Image: HSG showing endometrial polyp
HSG Test showing uterine synechiae
Image: HSG showing uterine synechiae

When is HSG done? When is the best time to do an HSG Test?

The procedure should be done between day 5 and day 10 of your menstrual cycle, i.e., after your bleeding stops but before the ovulation. In the case of an irregular menstrual cycle, a negative beta- hCG test is mandatory before the procedure in order to rule out pregnancy.

Who shouldn’t get an HSG Test?

You shouldn’t get an HSG if you are pregnant or if you have an active pelvic infection.

How is HSG Procedure done?

HSG is done in a hospital / clinic by an Obstetrician / Gynaecologist, radiologist or an infertility specialist. It is an outpatient procedure that usually takes less than 5 minutes to perform. Analgesics and local anaesthesia are usually given to reduce the pain that might be felt during the procedure.

Drowsiness may be there after the pre-medication which may last for about 30- 60 minutes.

Is HSG Test safe?

HSG is a safe procedure done on an outpatient basis with minimal intra and post-procedural complications.

Is HSG painful?

Mild pain or discomfort is common during and after the procedure. A cramping sensation might be felt while injecting the dye solution into the uterus. Taking pain killers before the procedure can help ease these cramps. Also, the use of sedatives and local anaesthesia during the procedure makes the procedure painless.
After a painless HSG, the patient can carry out her daily activities immediately without any discomfort.

What are the risks associated with HSG Test?

Mild complications like abdominal pain or cramping, vaginal bleeding, nausea, vomiting, and vaginal discharge can be expected following the procedure. The use of analgesics and anti-spasmodic reduces these symptoms. Also, post-procedural antibiotics reduce the risks of pelvic infection.

To know more about Painless HSG in Guwahati, click on the linked article.

To know more about Painless HSG in Kolkata, click on the linked article.

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