Health and Child Development | Why Is Healthy Child development  Important?

Health and Child Development | Why Is Healthy Child development Important?

Dr. Ranjit Agarwala
Paediatrics Specialist
Institute of Human Reproduction

It is a dream for every couple to have a child after marriage. In our present scenario, every child is a precious child. Every parent wants to raise a healthy, intelligent, and capable child with good values.
The early years of life are very important to know about Health and Child Development. Healthy development means that children can grow up where their social, emotional, and educational needs are met along with normal physical growth. Having a safe, loving home and spending time with family- playing, singing, reading, and talking are very important, especially in this era of the digital world. Proper nutrition, exercise, and sleep also can make a big difference.

How does health status affect child development and behavior ?

Starting at birth and continuing throughout childhood, children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, act and move. Skills such as taking the first step, smiling for the first time, and waving “bye-bye” are called child development milestones. Children develop at their own pace, so it can be difficult to tell exactly when a child will learn a given skill. 

Image Credits: TOI

Many factors influence child development stages, including early experiences with caregivers and peers. Factors like warm and secure relationships, enriching learning opportunities, and proper nutrition, exercise and rest can make a big difference in healthy child development. On the other hand, poverty, unstable housing, parental stress and maltreatment, abuse, neglect, exposure to alcohol and smoking, and violence can have a serious negative effect on child development and behavior.

Child developmental milestones give a general idea of the changes to expect as a child grows older. Developmental and behavioral screening plays an important role in early detection and obtaining appropriate support for children who may be experiencing delay for any number of reasons.

Effective parenting practices

Some positive parenting practices work well when providing the care that children need to be happy and healthy and to grow and develop well. These are some key ways that parents can support their child’s healthy development.

  • Responding to children in a predictable way
  • Showing warmth and sensitivity
  • Having routines and household rules
  • Sharing books and talking with children
  • support health and safety
  • Using appropriate discipline without harshness.

Parents who use these practices can help their children stay healthy, safe, and be successful in many areas- emotional, behavioral, cognitive, and social.

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