What you need to know?

Dr. Dhiren Dutta

Most of us have heard the term ‘fibroid’ or ‘myoma’ in some parts of our life. Sometimes they cause symptoms in the lower abdomen of women & so when we do sonography the report says there is myoma. But most of the time these fibroids remain silent, without causing any problem and they are diagnosed suddenly when we are doing sonography for other reasons.

Fibroids: Causes, symptoms, and treatments

Now, what actually a fibroid is?

Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in or on a woman’s uterine muscle. Though they are termed as a tumor, usually they don’t turn into cancer.

What causes fibroid?

The exact reason is not clear. They may be related to high estrogen hormone levels. The risk factors are a family history of fibroid, obesity, early onset of puberty, and infertility. Although they are not serious, in some women they may cause various symptoms like heavy menstrual bleeding, heaviness in the lower abdomen, pain in the lower abdomen in and around menstruation, prolonged menstruation, anemia & infertility.

Fibroids | healthdirect

The symptoms depend on where the fibroid is situated, whether inside the uterine cavity(submucous), within the uterine muscle (intramural), or outside the uterine wall (subserous).

Nowadays, we classify the position of myoma based on FIGO classification as 0 -7(zero to seven).

How can we diagnose it?

Well, an experienced radiologist with a good sonography machine, usually a 3D sonography machine can very well diagnose how many fibroids are there, what are their sizes and in which position they are present. Sometimes to diagnose it correctly we may have to take the help of an MRI of the lower abdomen.

Do all fibroids need surgery?

And the answer is no.

If the fibroid is asymptomatic, means if it is not causing any disturbance to the women, no need for surgery on an emergency basis. But we must regularly check the fibroid status for any change, usually once in a year by sonography, or earlier if there is any problem.

What type of surgery is needed to remove the fibroid?

In today’s world, almost all types of fibroids can be removed via laparoscopy. Rarely, laparotomy (open surgery ) or hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) is needed.

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