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Comprehensive Paediatric Care Under one Roof | IHR Guwahati

The Department of Paediatrics at IHR Guwahati is committed to providing “State-of-the-art” care to children with various clinical conditions. These services are provided by a dedicated team of experienced and trained clinicians and specialists in several fields who work together to provide comprehensive paediatric care under one roof.


Infertility, that is inability to conceive, is not merely a health issue, but it also causes immense social and psychological stress. Even couples undergoing IVF treatment are under extreme anxiety and emotional turmoil, which is beyond any measure. To add to the woe, recurrent IVF failures pose utmost disappointment both for the couple as well as the doctor. The underlying cause can not only be the embryo, but also the endometrium – which is the “nest” where the embryo implants. So, let’s understand the important “E”s in the process of implantation – Embryo, and Endometrium.