Category: Fibroids

Laparoscopic Myomectomy – What you need to know?

Fibroids are benign tumour mostly seen arising from the uterus. They are seen in about 25–50% of women of all age groups. Most of the fibroids remain silent without causing any problem. But if a fibroid starts creating
problems like excessive bleeding, urinary or bowel symptoms, pain or infertility, then these fibroids require interventions or treatment. They can be handled temporarily by medications but a permanent solution requires surgery.

FIBROIDS or MYOMA – What you need to know?

Most of us have heard the term ‘fibroid’ or ‘myoma’ in some parts of our life. Sometimes they cause symptoms in the lower abdomen of women & so when we do sonography the report says there is myoma. But most of the time these fibroids remain silent, without causing any problem and they are diagnosed suddenly when we are doing sonography for other reasons.