10 Measures for Successful Breastfeeding

Dr. Nirmal Jain - Pediatric Specialist in Guwahati

Dr. Nirmal Jain
Paediatrics Specialist
Institute of Human Reproduction

It is important that while discharging a nursing mother from hospital 0r 1st contact of nursing mother in OPD the following measures to be explained to the mother for successful breast feeding:

  • Only mother’s milk up to six month of age.
  • Up to to six month of age, no artificial milk, non water, gripe water, janamghuti, honey, tulsi to be given to the baby.
  • Sometimes you may wonder whether your milk is sufficient or not for the baby. You should not worry if baby is passing urine six or seven times a day. It may be less than 6 times in the first 7 days.
  • The baby may pass green stool, foamy( fenafena) stool 8-10 times a day and sometimes the baby may not pass stool for 8- 10 days, but if feeding is going well and the baby passes urine, there is nothing to worry. This is normal.
  • The baby should be fed from 1 breast per feed (lasting 10-20 minutes). If required both breast can also be fed. The next feed, on the baby’s demand or on a gap of 2-3 hours should be from another breast.
  • No need to wash the breast and nipples with soap and water before each feed. Daily bath is sufficient to keep the breast clean.
  • There is also no need to clean the tongue of the baby as it may be disturb the breastfeeding by destroying the taste buds. If there are white patches on the sides of the mouth and gums please report to your doctor.
  • Mother’s should not talk on mobile during breastfeeding the child.

Positioning of baby and mother for breastfeeding:

  • The mother should be in a comfortable position( sitting/ standing) and relaxed
  • Baby’s head, neck and body should be straight, with baby’s shoulders on the elbow of the mother;
  • Baby’s abdomen should touch the mother’s abdomen;
  • Mother’s one hand should be on baby’s buttock, the other hand free.

Proper latching during breastfeeding:

  • Chin of the baby’s should touch the breast
  • Baby’s mouth should be wide open
  • Baby’s lower lip should be turned outwards
  • More areola should be visible above than below the baby’s mouth.

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