Breastfeeding Common Difficulties and Solution by Dr. Ranjit K Agarwala – IHR India

Breastfeeding Common Difficulties and Solution

Dr. Ranjit Agarwala

Breastfeeding is natural, but it does come with its set of challenges. Dr. Ranjit k Agarwala of IHR Guwahati gives solution to the common difficulties of Breastfeeding.

Dr. Ranjit Kr. Agarwala is a highly renowned Pediatrics Specialist doctor at Institute of Human Reproduction. He is an MD (Pediatrics) & PGDDN (Developmental Neurology). Dr. Agarwala has attended various national and state level conferences of IAP. He has also participated in various National and International workshops. Dr. Agarwala is an expert in Pediatric Critical Care and Development Neurology.

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