A 26 year old woman’s Success Story of becoming a mother after 4 Consecutive abortions

A 26 year old woman’s Success Story of becoming a mother after 4 Consecutive abortions – Diagnosed with Sub Septate Uterus

Dr. Dhiren Dutta

Female patient, Mrs. X was 26 years old and had been married for 5 years. After longing for a child they finally decided to go to an infertility clinic in Guwahati near their home and was diagnosed with Sub Septate Uterus. Read the whole article for the treatment process.

Past history of Female Patient X

A sweet couple from Karimganj district of Assam visited us, IHR with their extreme agony. Mrs. X, just 26 years of age has ben married for last 5 years and in these last 5 years the couple was mentally shattered like anything.
She conceived four times in last five years, but three of these pregnancies got aborted when they crossed 12 weeks (3 months) and somehow, one pregnancy crossed 20 weeks (five months) and got aborted in the sixth month. They left no stone unturned to get a baby, but in vain.

Diagnosis – Sub Septate Uterus

The couple approached IHR for consultation. When the couple came for a discussion, we tried to find out all the possible reasons of the last four abortions.

Sub Septate Uterus Diagnosis

In the 3D Sonography and H.S.G (hysterosalpingography) examinations, she was diagnosed with Sub Septate uterus and we found a broad based septum, inside the uterine cavity which was reducing the space inside the uterine cavity for the growing baby.
We discussed and educated the couple what was the problem for their agony, and that it needs a correction via Hysteroscopy.


Hysteroscopic Guided Septum Resection was done with Sciesors successfully and they were sent back home with instructions to try for pregnancy naturally.

And finally, God has blessed the couple with a cute little angel. Thank you God, for choosing us as a mediator to bring happiness in their life.

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