Year: 2023

RUBELLA (German measles) & PREGNANCY

It is a contagious viral infection. If a pregnant woman acquires Rubella, she is at increased risk of miscarriages, stillborn and their developing babies are at risk for severe birth defects with devastating lifelong consequences. But the good thing about it is that once someone is infected or immunized, they acquire lifelong immunity.

Triple Test: A Prenatal Screening for Chromosomal Abnormalities and Birth defects

The amniocentesis test is a prenatal diagnostic test (test done during pregnancy) that involves taking a sample of the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus in the uterus during pregnancy. It is typically performed during the second trimester, between 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Understanding Amniocentesis Test: Risks, Results, and Benefits

The amniocentesis test is a prenatal diagnostic test (test done during pregnancy) that involves taking a sample of the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus in the uterus during pregnancy. It is typically performed during the second trimester, between 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancy.

What is Azoospermia and How is it Treated?

Azoospermia is a condition in which a man has no sperm in his ejaculate. This can be caused by various factors, including physical abnormalities, hormonal imbalances, and infections. While azoospermia can be distressing for men and their partners who are trying to conceive, it is important to note that it is treatable and there are options available for those seeking to have a child.