Year: 2021


During a visit to a hospital, there can often be anxiety in a patient. If the doctor advises a surgery or an interventional procedure as a treatment option, most of the patients would worry about what to expect. Now a day’s availability of safe and quality anaesthesia services makes the experience of surgery a pleasant one for any patient. Anaesthesia services are an integral part of the present health care system.


Infertility, that is inability to conceive, is not merely a health issue, but it also causes immense social and psychological stress. Even couples undergoing IVF treatment are under extreme anxiety and emotional turmoil, which is beyond any measure. To add to the woe, recurrent IVF failures pose utmost disappointment both for the couple as well as the doctor. The underlying cause can not only be the embryo, but also the endometrium – which is the “nest” where the embryo implants. So, let’s understand the important “E”s in the process of implantation – Embryo, and Endometrium.

How Thyroid Disorders Affect Conception (Pregnancy)

When planning a pregnancy, you need to examine this important organ – the thyroid gland in order to avoid complications during pregnancy. Does the thyroid gland affect conception? And how do thyroid hormones affect conception? These questions are most common in those women who have any pathology of this gland.

Anaesthesia for Caesarean Section

There are different forms of anaesthesia available for a caesarean section.
You can decide either to go to sleep, known as general anaesthesia, or to stay awake, known as spinal or epidural anaesthesia. The anaesthetic will be given to you by an anaesthetist who is a doctor trained in anaesthesiology. Anaesthetist will discuss the options with you and recommend the best form of anaesthesia for you.

Septate Uterus – Diagnosis & Treatment

Septate Uterus is a birth defect (Mullerian Duct anomaly).
Normally uterine cavity is triangular in shape. But in cases of the septate uterus, a fibromuscular partition with poor vascularity runs down the middle of the uterus (i.e. the womb) and divides it into two small separate parts.

Ovarian Rejuvenation with PRP-Platelet Rich Plasma

With the global modernization, women tried to delay their childbearing due to professional commitments and seeking better living conditions. During last 3-4 decades there is significant rise in the mean age of first time mothers, ranging between third and fourth decade. This is associated with ovarian aging, characterized by declining oocyte quantity and quality which is an unresolved problem.

IUI vs IVF:- Which treatment should you choose?

Infertility is a disease of the reproductive system and is defined by the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after more than or equal to 12 months of regular unprotected intercourse. According to a health survey, 48.5 million couples are suffering from infertility worldwide. Among women 20-44 years, 1.9% had primary infertility and 10.5% had secondary infertility.


Ever visited a car showroom and looked for your dream car? You first choose the transmission type you want, Manual or Automatic. Then you choose the Car body type – Hatchback, Sedan or SUV. The sales guy offers you the available brands and models to choose from. Then there is an exhaustive list of car accessories from Park assist, Alloy wheels, GPS navigation to a trendy music system. There are a lot of choices and the overall cost of the car depends on the options you choose. Similarly, IVF is a broad term often misunderstood. So, whenever a couple enquires about the “cost of IVF”, they need to understand the various options applicable in their case before the total expenses are quoted.

What are the steps for infertility treatment?

Parenthood is an inestimable blessing to a couple. Around 48 million couples globally are devoid of this blessing. Inability to have a baby even after appropriately trying for one year is regarded as infertility. The cause of infertility may be related to either or both the partners or unexplained.

ICSI vs IVF: Myths and misconceptions

Parenthood is the culmination of a couple’s shared dream and nature’s miracle. With progress in biological science, we have been able to decrypt some principles involved in the process of reproduction. One of the major breakthroughs in fertility science is in-vitro fertilization (IVF) by which so many couples have achieved parenthood. When a couple decides to go for IVF they come across two major techniques i.e. conventional IVF and Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

Infertility and IUI Treatment at IHR – Guwahati, Best Infertility Centre in Guwahati

Our Director Dr. Deepak Goenka is talking about the basics of IUI.  IUI is a painless process in which healthy sperms are injected into the cavity of the uterus around the time of ovulation (i.e. rupture of follicle and release of the egg from the follicle).